TheLangStoreNetherlandsis theonly authenticLANGshop and LANG web shopin Europe. For overtwenty five years, we offer theuniquecollection American calendars of the brandLANG,for manyknown and lovedfor itsmatching woodenframe.Unique becauseitusesoriginalArt Work, eachcalendarimageis a reproduction ofan originalpainting or drawing. Manytalentedartists are signing year after yearfor anextensive collectionofdifferent themes.

Addition to LANGwe carryArtworkcalendarsofvarious publisherssuch asLEGACY, PineRidgeArt(Canada) and Delafield Calendars so youwill findan unrivaledcollectioncomein varioussizesand designs. We do everythingtomake your choicein ourweb shop as enjoyableaspossible. Doyou stillhave questions orwant moreinformation about anyproduct, pleasefeel free to contact ourcustomer service.   Enjoy shopping!

